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Showing posts from 2019

An interview with Zero Density

First of all can you tell us a bit about Zero Density . Founded in 2014 by 4 individuals with extensive working experience in broadcasting and media started working on the Reality Engine TM    product with the aim to break the mold and change the game in the post-production industry. Launched initially during 2016 NAB and won two innovations award in IBC 2017, Reality Engine TM    is the most photo-realistic virtual studio technology today. There were firms working on this area, but we launched it first which put us ahead in the game. Entire market set its eyes on us. Most live shows using gaming engine is done through our platform. Among our clients there are world leaders such as FOX Sports, Riot Games, Sky News Arabia and TF1. Reality Engine Demo at NAB 2019 AR & VR seems to be the killer application of broadcasting. There are many firms clamming to be different from others. What makes you different among them? Blending real time visual effects with virtual production

once again, at IBC

2015, was my 20th year in engineering and my first IBC experience. 2018, was my 20th year in broadcasting and my second IBC experience. I am glad to announce that I have been, once again, accredited as PRESS for IBC 2019, as founder of TVTechTR.  I still do not know if I will manage to attend the event, but you can be sure that I will try my best to do so.  I will be glad to make e-interviews, pre-event, if you have business or plan to make business in/with Turkey.  Hope to meet at IBC...  

digital radio

With this post, it my pleasure to state that you will read more frequently on radio & TV news form Turkey... According to the regulation which is issued on 23 December 2018 by the Supreme Council of Radio & Television there will be a tender on digital radio, FM & DVB-T2 in Turkey.  In this post, I will concentrate on digital radio.  According to the Item 27.1.b: "Sayısal radyo yayınları, ulusal ve ITU-R standartları ve teknik parametrelere uygun olarak Üst Kurulca belirlenecek teknik parametre ve standartlara göre yapılır." with my translation: "The digital radio broadcast will be made according to the technical parameters & standards stated by the Supreme Council, which will be decided accordingly to the national and ITU-R standards & technical parameters." From this statement it is not easy or even possible to find out the standard that will be chosen by Turkey. Actually there are more than one standard: DAB+ DRM+ DVB-T2 Li

frequency allocation tenders in Turkey

It was 2013, when RTUK (The Supreme Council of Radio & Television in Turkey) held a frequency allocation tender for digital terrestrial television. This tender was canceled with court decisions due to some objections.  It seems that in 2019, there will be a new tender for frequencies, this time not only for digital terrestrial television but also for analogue & digital radio. The details of the tender is not yet announced. On 23 December 2018, RTÜK issued a regulation which describes the subject. In the first week of 2019, I am planning to write on this regulation... Please keep following...